As a textile artist I have worked with plant dyeing and leaf imprinting onto cloth for more than twenty-five years, a technique now commonly used and known as ‘eco-dyeing’ or ‘eco prints’. Over the years I have developed and fine-tuned my technique of imprinting and the process has become a way of articulating my relationship with landscapes in Australia. My love of textiles and cloth has often been connected to where I am, and where I have been, in terms of place and belonging, and I have discovered a kind of openess in bringing the two together. I am interested in the way memories can be held in cloth and in the close connection with materials especially through the meditative act of hand stitching. I love the process of plant dyeing – the collecting of plant material in a given place, the extracting of dyes and imprints, and recording it in the cloth. There is a magic to the process due to the element of serendipity involved. I gather the leaves, perform the tasks required and bring my intentions to the mix, after which I have to let go and let the alchemy of the dye pots take over. In a sense, I just set the scene for the mystery to unfold.

upcoming workshops.
is not really a workshop but a more an exploration..
We get immersed in creativity in a one day collaboration with Nature in a beautiful location. We connect to the environment through drawing, plant dyeing, watercolour and meditation.
Join us for a truly magical day creating with Mother Nature.
7-8th. August 2021
In a new magic location near Byron Bay.
Email for more information: info@kirsteningemar.com

I was born in Denmark where my family has been involved in the textile industry for several generations. I inherited a passion for fabrics and after leaving school studied textiles, specializing in dying and screenprinting. Since migrating to Australia over 20 years ago, I have worked as a textile artist, mostly as a studio artist creating my own work, but also in collaboration with different fashion labels.
In conjunction with my practice I have taught in diverse settings including COFA, UNSW, Flying Arts Inc. in Queensland, and numerous studio workshops.
My work has always been a blend of different dyeing techniques, collage and stitching, and since moving to Northern NSW it has simplified to be predominantly plant dyeing and hand stitching. I have exhibited extensively in Denmark and in Australia.